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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Hey Everyone I Decided To Create A Amazon Store Front And Share Awesome Deals And Items That I Think People Would Love To Buy Check It Out If ITs Empty Thats Because im Working On Adding Stuff :

Saturday, January 19, 2019

EPIC CR BATTLE! 2VS2 Who Will Win! this is a really fun mobile game!

a must have for stock traders and gamers and odd balls like me

this thing has been a life saver if your a gamer, stock trader or you just want the feeling of knowing your got extra battery when ever you need it! i love this pack, if you need a link for a pack for your phone let me know ill hook you up!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Fear The Lord God Almighty

When People Whisper Behind Your Back Be Still & Know That Nothing Is Hidden From God. We Live In A Day That People Forget To Fear The Lord. Even i Find Myself Needing Reminded That God Is... GOD! He Can Do All Things Today I Pray For My Soul And Yours That We May Fear The Lord And Love Him The Same So Our Futures May Grow In The Light Not The Darkness - Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

buy silver now!!!!

silver has been on sale for a Long time now, its so low buying now is a must! any time you can buy 25$ and less buy. now keep in mind if your near the 25$ avg price it may take 10-20 years for you to make a profit but its a good save guard vs the Dollar!
sometimes we need to take a break from this new age music, dont get me wrong i love new music! but come on.. you cant beat some good ol classics like this!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

oh my goodness..  AINT NO BODY GOT TIME FOR DAT!!! 100,000 games... yeah lets see.. if i play 1 a day for 1 full year there are what 365 days in a year?? so 365 games per year.. im 29 years old.. so lets say i live another 60 years that would make me 89 years old... so 365 Games a year X 60 years.. ill be able to play 21,900 Games... out of... 100,000.. lol... Well ill get right on that.. haha

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Amazon Devices: Sale on Fire Kids Edition Tablets Check it out amazon is having a massive sale for kids Tablets!
Wow... from age -1 All The Way To 28 see how i have changed... from the age 1 to 28 ive sure seen a lot of things in life, had my heart broken to many times to count but where i am now.... only could have been planned out by god! i hope you guys enjoy my video remember who choose to be will decide who you become i cant wait to see who i am in 28 years -

Monday, January 14, 2019

|Logi Tech Full Review

hey guys scott back with another review! this video is from my brand new review channel! please come on over and subscribe! thanks! this is the logi tech sound system for your pc!