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Showing posts with label the life of scott. Show all posts

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lets Start From The Beginning.... Farm House Memories

My Youtube Channel hey everyone where should i start? i guess i can start off by saying that at age 27 ive been through many different types of things in life like most of you we all have our battles that we must fight and ones we already fought some we won some we lost ive won my fair share and i have also lost my fair share so to start off this blog, i first want to say i will blog from time to time its not gonna be every week unless its something people would like, right now i run my facebook page. twitter account , Instagram , 5 youtube channels, 4 facebook pages, pinterest. and many other things, its very hard for me to find time to do much of anything especially cause i work 12Hrs a day! and some times i just got nothing left by the end of the day. im going to start off blogging on when i was young, when i was very very young what age? i really don't know maybe 3-5? my fav toy of all time was the kool purple jeep i used to push it around everywhere even in the snow! we lived in an old farm house that well you could hear all the nice bats in the upper attic walls this farm house was HUGE and So Cool I Wish i could go back and explore every room because i know there were some pretty cool areas id love to visit. i grew up in a good home, at this time my dad owned the farm and had lots and lots of layer chickens so he was always in the chicken houses my mother has always been a stay at home mom. and put up with us 3 children which at times im sure was hard! some awesome memories i still remember is watching movies as a young child ( 4-6 ) and i can recall watching the last of the Mahicans which reminds me i need to watch that movie again. i remember helping my dad in the chicken house from time to time with his slips and also watching the eggs be cleaned as well as help packing eggs and walking down the chicken rows i remember the entire farm layout even tho we only lived there until i was maybe 9-11? i remember when it would rain hard , playing in the flooded areas, i remember during the warm summer days little mini dust tornadoes  in the open fields where i would run out and chase them! i remember my dads "gym Room " and fun moments like when my mom got our very first "recorder" from her parents and how can i forget when i was sick my parents setting up that massive vicks machine thingy :D lol oh my We did not have central air or and window units so we had fans in-front of the windows bring in a cold of air as possible i remember my dad having a tin of candy hidden that me and my sister would sneak and grab some, i remember there old water bed! and how i used to jump on it when no one was around, i remember in those days on our way home from my grand parents house a van of young dudes tried to beat us at a stop signed and there van burning out on the stones and hitting us, in that split moment i said out loud either God help me Or god help us as i grabbed the door handle id say i was maybe 6-9 ? years old my mother would remember better, and i ripped the door handle off and hit my head on the front windshield causing it to crack really big like a spider web. knowing if it was not for me grabbing that handle god knows what would of happen and a few days later i remember having the worlds worst headache that i had to be taken in to the doctor, i remember those fun times when me and my sister would  play "people" lol and us playing tag inside the house and once or twice we ran into each other both getting bloody noses. i remember one time my dad pushing me on our swing and i was trying to kick a high branch and i fell right on my back... yet im still here and my sister climbing on our large stair railing and falling far but we both lived :P i remember when it was leaf Day my dad would get his spreader and loud it up with leafs and we would be able to play in them. i remember we used to always get bad storms & with the tree's around we would have to go into the creepy basement which now i would think is COOL! my grandparents lived just across the field so i often remember going over there and one time i remember we had a get together and a bad storm came while we all were at there house, looking across the field it wasn't a tornado i don't think but it acted like one and ripped up our barn roof pretty good.i remember our massive snow storm that it was over me and my sisters heads i remember trying to climb in it to go over to grandma's house but no luck so my dad got out his tractor and we all went over. i remember a memory  that i prob should not remember but lol i remember running out side Completely NAKED! jumping on my bike and riding around and i believe it was our old pastor maybe not but i know some guy came running after me yelling me to put some pants on boy  lol please enjoy the photos i will also update this blog here as i think of more farm house memories :D

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

well...what do i have to offer? what could i possibly blog about... maybe about having my heart broken? or being a christian or falling in love or having a mind set that age is just a number possible marriage? or maybe divorce!  how about dealing with controlling parents ( not my own ) but ive been with people who's parents think there gods among men, oh i could blog about so many things, let me know if there is something youd like to see me blog about!